Graduation research projects for the academic year 2022-2023 and for the morning and evening studies

Committees for discussing graduation research for undergraduate students for the academic year 2022-2023


Distribution of teaching supervision of graduation research projects for fourth-year students 2019-2020

Graduation research projects, fourth stage, morning

Graduation research projects, fourth stage, evening

Student research projects according to supervisors 

  1. Atheer Abdullah Hussein _
  2. Ahmed Abdel Amir Abdel Reda
  3. Ahmed Abdel Zahra Abdullah
  4. Ahmed Fahim Naghish
  5. Asaad Adnan Aziz
  6. Akram Abdel Hussein Jiyad
  7. Alaa Abdel Wahab Ali
  8. Basma Tawfiq Saleh
  9. Bashir Shaker Hussein
  10. Jamil Kazem Jawad
  11. Hazem Musa Abd Hassoun
  12. Hassan Abdel Hadi Lahms
  13. Haider Karim Saeed
  14. Haider Muhammad Musleh
  15. Haider Mahdi Salman
  16. Raafat Abdel Hadi Kazem
  17. Rola Miqdad Obaid
  18. Riyad Jumaa Hassan
  19. Sajat Majeed Jaafar
  20. Samir Raji Abbas
  21. Sinan Abdul Hussein Ali
  22. Dharam Musa Abbas
  23. Diaa Thamer Matar
  24. Amer Musa Abbas
  25. Abdul Hussein Majed Muhammad
  26. Alaa Jabbar Abboud
  27. Alaa Kazem Armout
  28. Ali Badawi Tabor
  29. Ali Hussein Hashem
  30. Ali Atshan Khalaf
  31. Ali Ghanem Mutashar Balout
  32. Ali Yacoub Youssef
  33. Ammar Muthanna Jameel
  34. Ghazwan Karim Khudair
  35. Falah Hassan Abdullah
  36. Qasim Lafta Bejay
  37. Qasim Muhammad Abbas
  38. Qais Saeed Daym
  39. Laith Jabbar is a blessing
  40. Mushtaq Abdul Reda is walking
  41. Bright Aziz Tanish
  42. Mai Ali Aziz
  43. Walid Samir Hadi

Graduation research projects for undergraduate students for the year 2016-2017

1.    ( ( Some variables of sensory-motor perception and its relationship to the accuracy of performing the smash hit in the diagonal and straight formation in volleyball)) Research submitted by Nad Ashour Street 

2.    Dynamic composition To distribute the mechanical pressure and force of the jump in the skill of smashing the ball The Plane Research submitted by Adyan Ali Abd Attia

3.    The effect of feedback using computer mechanical analysis in learning the skills of smashing and blocking in volleyball, a research I submitted Israa Saad Abdel Nour Kazem

4.    The relationship of learning and thinking styles to the achievement of the handstand skill for female college students Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Al-Qadisiyah University – ( descriptive research ) by the student – Banin Hussein Ali Muhammad Al-Obaidi 

5.    The competence of professional behavior as a determinant of the effectiveness of individual and team sports coaches  In the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Diwaniyah , research submitted by student Jalal Fahim Aliwi

6.    Evaluating the fitness level of second-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Research submitted by the student Jawad Kazem Naeem 

7.    Speed of motor response and its relationship to some basic skills for five-a-side football players, prepared by student Hossam Ali Mohsen

8.    The effect of using a motor games program in developing mathematical exploratory behavior among second-grade middle school girls Research submitted by Hanan Sreisah Sawadi Nimr

9.    Leadership personality and its relationship to the psychological toughness of advanced football players, research submitted by the student Doaa Khairy Muhammad Badi 

10.                          Psychological pollution and its relationship to the accuracy of receiving the volleyball serve for students, research submitted by the student Rawaa Ali Hassan Al-Murshedy

11.                       aerobic exercises on some chemical variables to reduce body weight according to the body mass index for women aged 20-25 years. Prepared by student Zaman Abdel Salam Muhammad Hassoun.

12.                       Comparing the level of nutritional health awareness among players of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in some team and individual games In Al-Qadisiyah Governorate, prepared by the student Zainab Mahdi Abdullah                    

13.                       Motor satisfaction and its relationship to emotional response, prepared by student Sabreen Hamid Najm  

14.                       The relationship of achievement to the significance of work in performing the throw grab from above the chest and loading from the ground in Romanian wrestling, a descriptive research submitted by the student (Ali Hassan Shibl )

15.                       The relationship of explosive force to the performance of some offensive skills in volleyball By student Ali Abbas Salman

16.                       The kinematic variables in the stage before and after breaking the connection of the jump and their relationship to achieving the triple jump event. before Fares Jassim Mishaan

17.                       effect of motor coordination exercises in developing the accuracy of some volleyball skills and their relationship to concentration of attention among third stage students\College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences\University of Al-Qadisiyah By Qasim Musa Farhan

18.                       The relationship of objective anxiety to the speed of response to the event (110 m hurdles) among students of the second stage\College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences\University of Al-Qadisiyah, presented by Muhammad Ali Zarzour Al- Karaawi

19.                        Trait anxiety and its relationship to scoring accuracy in five-a-side football among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Al-Qadisiyah University Student Progress Research (Mohamed Naeem Abdel Hamza )

20.                        ( The relationship of some personality traits to shyness among first-year female students, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Al-Qadisiyah University )  Submitted by student Hoda Saleh Hassan

21.                        Analysis of the defensive performance of the volleyball player and its impact on the ranking of international volleyball teams, presented by Ahmed Abdel Kazem Jabbar.  

22.                        The relationship of flexibility to the accuracy of shooting from the opposite angle in handball By the student Haider Malik Jabr  

23.                        The effect of a proposed educational curriculum for some types of tennis serves according to representational systems (audio, visual, sensory ) , research presented by Ghufran Farhan Mousa

24.                        (Local) muscle fatigue and its effect on aiming accuracy and neuromuscular compatibility for players at the Specialized School of Handball, presented by Saif Ali Shaker

25.                        The effect of the difference in the time of finishing the attack for the Iraqi, European and international teams on the success of basketball shooting Graduation research submitted by the student ( Abdullah Abdul Karim Latif )

26.                        The effect of skilled physical effort on some physiological and biochemical variables among handball players  

By the student, Azhra Yaqzan Abdul Rahman

27.                       The effect of using the cooperative education method in learning the skill of sending and developing social cohesion for female students. Research submitted by the student, Muslim, phone Muhammad.

28.                        Studying some body measurements and physical abilities and their contribution to the skill of hitting volleyball By the student Asma Jassim Abdel Hussein

29.                       A comparative study of some elements of physical fitness among players of different playing lines in football Submitted by the student Ashraf Sami  

30.                           The relationship of focusing and shifting attention to some basic skills among young goalkeepers in futsal    Research submitted by the student Amir Jassim Fadel

31.                          The effect of exercises using balls of different sizes and weights to develop some characteristics, physical abilities and basic skills of young players  Research submitted by the student (Barek Hassouni Abbas )

32.                       Speed of motor response and its relationship to some defensive skills in volleyball Submitted by Mustafa Muhammad Thabet

33.                       A comparative study of the feeling of psychological loneliness among students of the College of Physical Education – Al-Qadisiyah University for the academic year 2016-2017 AD Research submitted by the student Nabil Nahi Haboob

34.                        Analysis of the offensive and defensive performance of Premier League handball clubs 2016-2017, presented by student Ali Hamid Jaber.

35.                         The effect of aces and neuromuscular compatibility on the ranking of Premier League volleyball players Submitted by student Ibrahim Hassan Jassim Hussein

36.                        Psychological needs and their relationship to scoring accuracy in football, presented by student Ayman Sabah Hassan

37.                         Personal traits and their relationship to the level of performance of basketball players. Research submitted by the student 

Ishtiaq Oth Al-Hussein Hassan

38.                        Psychological hesitation and its relationship to the accuracy of performing the skill of striking from the back area in volleyball, presented by a student Ahmed Hassan Deaim

39.                        The relationship of some physical and motor abilities to the accuracy of performing the front and back groundstrokes in tennis for applicants   student preparation Ali Saad owner

40.                        The impact of the cooperative learning strategy according to the blended learning system in Self-esteem, cognitive achievement, and learning the skills of receiving the serve and defending the court in volleyball Research submitted by the student Ahmed Akram Muhammad Kazem

41.                        The effect of the small games program on the development of motor skills and abilities and some aspects of attention for slow learners aged 7-9 years Research submitted by the student (Haider Zuhair Abdel-Sada )

42.                        The effect of anaerobic exercises on developing some physical abilities and tactical behavior of young football players, research submitted by student Karar Kazem Bechai

43.                       Self-evaluation and its effect on the performance of some skills on the floor movement machine Research submitted by the student ( Muhammad Aliwi Matar )

44.                       A comparative study Emotional intelligence and its relationship to social skills For students of the College of Physical Education and students of the College of Education – Al-Qadisiyah University for the academic year 2016-2017 Research submitted by the student : Muhannad Abbas Juma Habib

45.                          Focus of attention and its relationship to fixed scoring in football, research presented by Sajid Ahmed Mahdi

46.                        The effect of motor abilities using special dynamic exercises in developing the performance of some basic handball skills by Alaa Hussein Badi

47.                        The relationship of guidance needs to the completion of some athletics activities By the student Hussein Jabbar Halibut

48.                        The effectiveness of using competitive and traditional methods in learning some basic football skills for students of Al-Furat Boys School Graduation research submitted by student Azhar Mohsen Karim

49.                        ( Mass index, body surface area, and its effect on the level of physical fitness according to the Erovit battery for female students in the first intermediate stage ) submitted by the student Russell Kamel Barbir

50.                       fatigue (local) and its effect on aiming accuracy and neuromuscular coordination among the youth of the Al-Qadisiyah Governorate handball team. Research submitted by the student Alaa Fantil.

51.                        The effect of the difference in the time of finishing the attack for the Iraqi, European and international teams on the success of basketball shooting Graduation research submitted by the student ( Mohamed Kamel Turki )

52.                        The effect of using mastery and cooperative learning methods in learning some complex offensive skills in basketball on a sample of high school students The first At the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences , prepared by student Ahmed Qusay Ahmed Naguib, under the supervision of Prof. Dr . Ahmed Abdel Amir Shubar

53.                        A study to compare perception of the environment between athletes and non-athletes according to gender. Research submitted by the student : – Istabraq Razzaq Salman Osman, supervised by Professor A. Dr . Hisham Hindawi

54.                        Intelligence and its relationship to accuracy, some basic skills in football, research submitted by student Amjad Abdel Zahra Muhaisen, supervised by M. M. Muhammad Sahib Faiz

55.                        Mental skills and their relationship to some basic skills for female basketball players. Research submitted by the student , Aythar Kanaan, a student under the supervision of a professor . Rola Miqdad

56.                        Demographic analysis of the dynamic structure of the characteristics of the curve (speed-time) in building kinetic models for the stages of the volleyball smashing skill, research submitted by Elaf Riah Hassan Jassim, supervised by Prof. Dr. Great peace

57.                        The effect of an educational training program in improving and developing some of the technical skills of the Al-Mahanawiya Football Club’s junior players, by the student Zulfiqar Khaled Hashem, under the supervision of M. Dr . Jaafar Shuail Odeh

58.                        Power The explosiveness of the legs and its relationship to the accuracy of performing the high jump shooting skill among handball players Research submitted by the student Salem Najm Salem , supervised by Dr. Asaad Ali Safih

59.                        The effect of special exercises on developing some abilities Physicality , movement, and accuracy of shooting by jumping with a basketball . Prepared by students: Sajjad Ahmad Haddam, supervised by Prof. M.D. Qasim Muhammad Abbas .

60.                        Some aspects of attention and their relationship to the accuracy of offensive skills in football, presented by student Sajjad Raed Jassim, supervised by: Eng. Abdul Hussein Majed

61.                        A comparative study between handball players according to their positions in compatibility (nervous-muscular) presented by the student Abdul Amir Trad carpets  Under the supervision of Dr. Bashir Al-Awadi

62.                        Evaluating the reality of the practical application lesson for fourth grade students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Descriptive research submitted by the student  Mortada Jawad Jalab  Under the supervision of the professor   M. Abdul Hussein Majed Muhammad

63.                       most important physical and skill abilities as an indicator for selecting young goalkeepers in futsal Research submitted by the student Akram Adnan Naghish Under the supervision of Dr. Wissam Faleh Jaber

64.                        Design of a fixed and mobile somersault and balance device and its effect on learning the skill of handstand for female students on the movement mat . The floor is in Gymnastics Submitted by Al-Ala’l-Latif Nima Obaid, supervised by M.D Basma Tawfiq Saleh

65.                         The extent of the effect of biomechanics in rehabilitating the mechanical properties of the body to perform the handstand skill in gymnastics for female students I submitted it Noura Abdel Karim Abbas Bidawi Al Khafaji, supervised by Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Wahab Ali Al Mal Allah

66.                        The relationship of grip strength to the back snatch in freestyle wrestling for the women’s team in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate . Research submitted by student Nabaa Salem, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel-Wahhab.

67.                        An analytical study to measure the height of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot and its relationship to some of the physical abilities of the legs for a number of team and individual sporting events for Al-Qadisiyah University team players, presented by Ahed Khudair Fadel, supervised by Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Wahab Ali

68.                       The effect of a training approach to improve the motor response speed of tennis players and its relationship to returning serve. Research submitted by student Zahraa Tariq Hussein Al-Zubaie. Supervisor  Prof. Dr. Rula Miqdad Obaid

69.                       The relationship of muscular ability to the accuracy of performing the serving and smashing skills in volleyball Research submitted by student Baraa Rahim Sobeih  Supervised by Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Saeed Mohsen

70.                       Some aspects of attention and their relationship to the accuracy of offensive skills in football. Presented by the student: Sajjad Raed Jassim, under the supervision of: Eng. Abdul Hussein Majed.

71.                       The effect of using different distances on the development of the special table for Al-Mahnawiya football club players for the 2016/2017 season, research presented by student Abdul Sattar Kazem Hamid, supervised by Dr. Riyad Jumaa Hassan

72.                       Dimensions of the front-swing rise on the parallel device  In terms of some physical characteristics  Research submitted by the student (Zaid Kazem Shaalan ), supervised Mother. Dr.. Hamed Nouri Ali

73.                       An analytical study of sports injuries at the beginning of the first academic year for students of physical education and sports sciences. Research submitted by the student (Ammar Ismail Talib ) , supervised by Prof. Dr. Ammar Muthanna Jameel. Al-Fatlawi

74.                       The strength characterized by speed of the arms and its relationship to the accuracy of the sweeping and undulating serve among volleyball players By the student Haider Saleh is bored Supervised by M . Dr . Ahmed Allawi Saadoun

75.                       The effect of using two proposed training methods in developing the muscular ability of the arms among weightlifting players (youth group ) experimental research Submitted by the student Abdel Amir Hassan Abdel, under the supervision of A.M.D. Riyad Juma Hassan

76.                       The effect of using two proposed training methods in developing the muscular ability of the arms among bodybuilding players (youth group ) , presented by Karrar Muhammad Abdel Hussein under the supervision of A.M.D. Samir Raji

77.                       The percentage of contribution of some biomechanical variables to the skill performance of crushing volleyball, presented by student Hassan Fakhri Waheed under the supervision Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Zahra

78.                       The percentage of contribution of muscular strength and its relationship to the accuracy of passes (short, medium and long) among players of the Shomali Football Club for the youth category. Research submitted by the student Abbas Ibrahim Kazem under the supervision of Dr. Laith Jabbar Al-Moussawi.

79.                        A comparative study of some physical abilities and basic skills of the players of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/University of Al-Qadisiyah in five-a-side football and open fields. By Muhammad Abbas Sakhil, under the supervision of Dr. Samir Raji Abbas

80.                       Speed of motor response and its relationship to scoring accuracy in football Submitted by the student ( Ahmed Abdel Hussein Abd) , under the supervision of : Prof Hazem Ali Ghazi

81.                         Evaluating some physical and skill aspects according to the different playing lines of Al-Ittifaq Sports Club football players Submitted by the student Safaa Muhammad Abdel Hadi, supervised by a . Dr . Qais Saeed Daym

82.                       The level of health awareness among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Al-Qadisiyah University Submitted by student Banin Jabbar Jaafar under supervision Mother . Dharam Musa

83.                       Determining the most appropriate time for stabilizing the joint in developing flexibility among Al-Shamiya Football Club players for the 2015-2016 sports season, prepared by student Abbas Abdullah Janjoun , under the supervision of Mr. Fayez Hassan . 

84.                         A descriptive analytical study of kinematic variables and their relationship to the achievement of the high jump event for students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, first stage. Descriptive research On a sample of first-year students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Al-Qadisiyah University  Apply by the student Murtada Hussein Mayouf Supervised by M.D. Mohamed Hatem Abdel Zahra

 Names of graduates for the academic year 2015-2016

Names of graduating students for the academic year 2010-2011

Names of graduating students for the academic year 2011-2012

Names of graduating students for the academic year 2013-2014

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