A brief overview of the individual games branch 2017-2018

First : The Individual Games Branch was established on April 15, 1998, the date of the founding of the college, which supervised all lessons represented in individual games as follows .

·         Gymnastics (equipment)

·         Square and square

  • Wrestling
  • Weights
  • boxing
  • Teaching methods
  • Racket games
  • Scouts
  • Duel

10 Shows (girls ) .

11. Rhythmic gymnastics .

Second: Objectives of the branch

·         Providing students with knowledge and sciences related to various individual games

·         Providing students with the sciences related to athletic achievement in individual games .

·         Providing students with science related to games and individual activities .


Third: – Planned and implemented research and auxiliary books : –

·         Planned research (41).

·         Research carried out (25).


Fourth : Conferences seminars – workshops for teachers .


Names of two individual science teachers

TTitle of seminars – conferences – workshopInstructor’s name
1-An introductory workshop on laboratory equipment and fitness equipment at the collegeProf. Dr. Rahim RuwaihProf. Dr. Hisham HindawiProfessor Alaa KhalounProf. Dr. Akram Hussein JabrProf. Dr. Hamed NouriA.M. Amer MusaA. M. Jamil KazemA. M. Dharam MusaDr. Basma TawfiqA.M. Amer Musa  A. _ Dr. Wissam FalihProf. Dr. Ammar MuthannaM. M. Haider Muhammad MuslehM. Abdul Hussein MajedDr. Haider Mahdi
2-Disabled Sports (Paralympic Day)Prof. Dr. Rahim RuwaihProf. Dr. Hisham HindawiProfessor Alaa KhalounProf. Dr. Akram Hussein JabrProf. Dr. Hamed NouriA.M. Amer MusaMother. Jamil KazemA. M. Dharma MusaM. _ Dr. Basma TawfiqM. Sinan Abdul Hussein
3 ResearchProf. Dr. Rahim RuwaihProf. Dr. Hisham HindawiProfessor Alaa KhalounProf. Dr. Akram Hussein Jabr   A. M. Amer MusaMother. Jamil KazemA. M. Dharam MusaDr. Basma Tawfiq 
4-( laboratory equipment for physiology and biomechanics )A. _ Dr. Hisham HindawiProfessor Alaa KhalounProf. Dr. Akram Hussein JabrProf. Dr. Hamed NouriA.M. Amer MusaMother. Jamil KazemA. M. Dharam MusaDr. Basma TawfiqProf. Wissam Falih 
5-( Bicycles, races and types )Prof. Dr. Hisham HindawiProfessor Alaa KhalounProf. Dr. Akram Hussein JabrProf. Dr. Hamed NouriA.M. Amer MusaProf. Dr. Samir RajiProf. Wissam Falih 
TName of the seminarInstructor’s name 
1-Scientific symposium (training methods in developing physical abilities)Prof. Dr. Hisham HindawiProfessor Alaa KhalounProf. Dr. Akram Hussein JabrProf. Dr. Hamed NouriA.M. Amer Musa   
2-Legal seminar (university service)Prof. Dr. Rahim RuwaihProf. Dr. Hisham HindawiProfessor Alaa KhalounProf. Dr. Akram Hussein JabrProf. Dr. Hamed NouriA.M. Amer MusaMother. Jamil KazemA. M. Dharam MusaMother. Dr. Wissam Falih
TThe name of the conferenceInstructor’s name
1-Mathematical Sciences Conference in MalaysiaProfessor Alaa Khaldoun
2-Mathematical Sciences Conference in TürkiyeProf. Wissam Faleh Jaber
3-Conference of Training Sciences and Sports Physiology in BasraProf. Dr. Hisham HindawiProf. Dr. Rahim Ruwaih HabibProf. Dr. Ali AtshanProf. Dr. Akram Hussein JabrProf. Wissam Faleh Jaber

Heads of the Individual Games Branch :

the nameFrom the date ofTo date
Prof. Dr. Adel Turki Hassan12/21/19984/19/2004
Prof. Dr. Aqeel Muslim Abdul Hussein4/19/20043/27/2005
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Hussein Tanish3/27/20055/27/2005
Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Wahab5/27/200510/6/2006
Prof. Dr. Rahim Ruwaih Habib10/6/200610/10/2010
Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Wahab10/10/201011/11/2012
Professor Alaa Khaldoun Zidane A.M.D. Akram Hussein JabrA.M.D. Wissam Falih11/11/2012 20142017  2014-2017  
Prof. Dr. Hamed Nouri Ali

Names of branch teachers :

TFull NamePractical specialization
1Rahim Ruwaih Habib Al-KaramiThe arena and the field
2Alaa Khaldoun Zidane Al-AmiriBody lifting
3Akram Hussein Jabral-JanabiThe arena and the field
4Hamed Nouri Ali Kamal El-DinGymnastics
5Ali Atshan, behind Al Muhammadboxing
6Jamil Kazem Jawad Al-Aboudiswimming
7Abbas panickedThe arena and the field
8In the name of Tawfiq SalehGymnastics – offers
9Ammar Muthanna JameelBodybuilding
10Ali Badawi TaborGymnastics
11Haider Mahdi Salmanswimming
12Samir Raji AbbasBicycles
13Amer Musa Abbaswrestling
14Wissam Faleh JaberWeight lifting
15Sajat Majeed JaafarThe arena and the field
16Muhammad Abdel Rahman Muhammadduel
17Laith Jabbar is a blessingScouts
18Muhammad Hatem Abdel ZahraThe arena and the field
19Mushtaq Abdul Reda is walkingtennis
20Walid Samir Hadiwrestling
21Sinan Abdul Hussein AliThe arena and the field
22Ali Ghanem MutasharThe arena and the field
23Ahmed Allawi SaadounPing Pong
24Ghazwan Karimwrestling
25Qasim Lafta BejayThe arena and the field
26Abdul Hussein Majed MuhammadGymnastics
27Haider Muhammad Muslih Al-Khalididuel
28Morning Mahdi SalehThe arena and the field
29Jaafar Shuail OdehWeight lifting


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