A PhD thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Al-Qadisiyah discussed (the effect of electric cables, bee poking, and rehabilitative exercises on some physiological and physical variables for people with partial rupture of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint)
I discussed my doctoral thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Al-Qadisiyah University (The effect of electric kettlebells, bee acupuncture, and rehabilitative exercises on some physiological and physical variables for those with partial rupture of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint) by the student (Rahim Muhammad Krayud) and under the supervision of (A.M.D. Ali Bdewi Tabor).
The thesis aims to:
1 Identify the effect of electrical compression, acupuncture, and rehabilitation exercises on some physiological and physical variables for those with partial rupture of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint.
2 Identify the best rehabilitative treatment method from the two methods used (electrical acupuncture) for partial tear injuries of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint.
The thesis showed:
There is an effect of the two experimental methods (electrical compression and bee acupuncture) and rehabilitation exercises on physiological variables (white blood cells, blood sedimentation, C-reactive protein) and physical variables (range of motion of the knee joint, strength of the muscles working on the knee joint).
The thesis concluded:
1 The two groups achieved a clear improvement in the physiological and physical variables under study.
2 The second experimental group (acupuncture) was superior in physiological variables. As for the strength of the muscles working on the knee joint, the superiority was in favor of the first experimental group. As for the range of motion, parity existed between the two groups.
The thesis recommended:
1 When using rehabilitative therapeutic methods for joint injuries, rehabilitation exercises must be adopted whose range of motion is similar to the anatomical structure of the joint to help improve the range of motion and strength of the working muscles more quickly.
2 The use of bee acupuncture and electroporation of diclofenac preparation in the treatment of sports injuries due to their effectiveness and the positive effect they achieve in injury to rupture of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint. It is preferable to be accompanied or followed by rehabilitative exercises, depending on the severity of the injury.
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